Wolf was angry at me

Ok it’s been a week since I felt like I closed myself off to Wolf and Anna and well it’s a mix of that and me not taking my physical health seriously I went for a run well not best idea I know since I could have pulled my stiches out but when I was done I felt like my leg was on fire and Wolf got angry that I was that stupid that I would risk my health she wants me to heal

So we argued and she said something about me closing myself off I think it was Wolf being frustrated about it but yeah she left for a little bit just came back about 2 hours ago but today I felt as if my heart was tearing I don’t know how Wolf does that but she is damn good at it  but when she got home we talked about it the whole thing her me and Anna I feel a thousand times better granted there is still those questions what if and some self-blame and other things but better

Each time we deal with something like this be it my problems or Anna’s and even Wolfs I feel closer to them we are all their for each other I think that’s the main thing they worry about me and I worry about them but we are happy and all that stuff

That’s me

Have a good one

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